One of the things we are most proud of at the Collective is our amazing team of local growers!
Owner: Victoria Jabot
Location: Fulton
Top crops: Any herbs used as cut flowers, narcissus, acidanthera, anemone hupehensis, native filler flowers.
A proud farm moment: The first repeat customer that started as a stranger. Like many parents of young kids, my operation started off pretty tiny, and I began by selling only to friends and neighbors. I’ll always be grateful for the people in my life who’ve shown me support from the very beginning, but there is something different about someone who has no connection to you in real life choosing to return again and again. It was so validating!
Something exciting happening in 2024: We are finally finishing the studio space at our second farm site, and once construction is complete we will begin planting even more perennials, shrubs, and trees. We’ve dealt with many delays and hiccups since gaining access to the property in 2020, and I’m so ready to build the soil and turn my sketches into a real garden. (I’ve had way too many years to walk the property and dream big!)
Other services offered: Wholesale is my bread and butter, but I do a bit of everyday retail arrangements, holiday specials, evergreens, and consulting/coaching. We also held a few open studio nights last year and I absolutely loved those!