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Local Peonies That are Worth the Hype

June has arrived and peony season is just beginning. The warmer-than-average winter and mild spring means that our growers are anticipating peonies earlier this season.

Peonies are well established as a favorite in the wedding and event industry, and for good reason! Their large, fragrant blooms with layers of lush petals can't be rivaled. Add a solid vase life and great storage ability and you can't get a more florist-friendly flower.

This year, we are proud to be offering a large variety of local peonies from farms around Central New York. Local peonies, like other locally-grown flowers, are often fresher than those ordered through traditional wholesalers. That said, the biggest benefit to buying local peonies is the abundance of varieties our growers have available! Far from the traditional "white, pink, or red" peonies of the bulk wholesale outlet, these come in shades ranging from raspberry to coral to peach!

Here are a few of the peonies that our growers will have in the next few weeks!


Benjamin Franklin, Bob, Karl Rosenfield


Peter Brand, Krasinovy, Lena's Legacy, Celebrity, Yachiotsubaki, Yuo Lang Hong, Zachery Chibale


Coral Charm, Coral Sunset, Pink Hawaiian Coral


Callisto, Europa, Pastelegance


Catherine Chinue, Miss America, Shirley Temple, Teddi's Gift


Alice Harding, Bartzella, Golden Mandarin, Lemon Chiffon

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